Pathophysiology of Obesity: An Extensive Review


  • Bidisha Das Department of Home Science, University of Calcutta, 20B Judges Court Road, Kolkata-700027, West Bengal, India
  • Kazi Layla Khaled Department of Home Science, University of Calcutta, 20B Judges Court Road, Kolkata-700027, West Bengal, India



Obesity, Pathophysiology, Neural, Genetic Epigenetic


Obesity refers to a medical condition where excess adipose tissue accumulates in the body to such an amount that it leads to more than 20 percent of the ideal body weight. Obesity develops due to a chronic energy imbalance between calorie consumption and expenditure. Obesity enhances the chance of different types of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, gall stones, obstructive sleep apnea, specific types of cancer, osteoarthritis, depression, obstetrical risks, gout and so on. Excess body fat causes breathlessness on mild to moderate exertion. A combination of different factors such as excessive food intake, especially fast food, sedentary life style, and genetic factors increases obesity risk. To control obesity, it is imperative to create efficient therapy plans and proactive initiatives, both of which will depend on a thorough knowledge of the pathophysiology of obesity. This review paper summarizes the pathophysiology behind obesity, which mainly includes endocrinal, genetic, epigenetic, neural, metabolic, lifestyle factors, micro-environmental factors. Understanding the pathophysiology of the rising trend of obesity epidemic requires a thorough understanding of the systems which can control energy balance in our body. Scientists are working to gain deep knowledge on the pathophysiology of obesity in order to develop effective therapy strategies for this condition, as well as to better influence the development of public policy in favour of public welfare and obesity awareness in ways that can minimise the detrimental effects of obesity on community health and economy.


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How to Cite

Das, B., & Khaled, K. L. (2024). Pathophysiology of Obesity: An Extensive Review. Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14, 1–10.